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Lid sinds december 2018
januari 2021

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Re: Vodafone & Ziggo Onopgelost

Well you can tell them to call me because they have the number. though as you are saying that "you cant" help, its seems mainly that no one in Vodafone want to help. or to put it more clearly, no one ...

Re: Vodafone & Ziggo Onopgelost

ha you see- but this is were you are wrong. because before I renewed my contract IN AUGUST I called again to Vodafone, asking if I will KEEP GETTING THE DOUBLE DATA, that the representative told me I ...

Re: Vodafone & Ziggo Onopgelost

look at that- its in Dutch as always, so what is the word in Dutch for "misconduct" ? or "misleading"? or perhaps for: "in case our representative is lying"?

Re: Vodafone & Ziggo Onopgelost

Right. where was the part in the conditions that the representative is lying to me?

Re: Vodafone & Ziggo Onopgelost

Sure. you are welcome. Now I would like to not be part of Vodafone any more without a buyout.

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